details (det)



擷取關於現行評量或依評量 ID 選取的評量詳細資料。請利用 listassess (la) 來取得評量及其 ID 的清單。

提示: 使用 details 指令之前,請利用 log 指令來開啟記載。您可以產生以逗點分隔文字之 (.csv) 格式的日誌檔,以供 Microsoft Excel 或其他接受 CSV 資料的程式開啟。


details [id]

id:來自現行階段作業之評量的物件 ID。如果未指定 ID,則最新評量的詳細資料,便會顯示出來(或傳送至日誌檔)。



AllApplications\Myapps>> details
File, line, col, name, type, severity, confidence
, 119
, 0
, java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace
, Vulnerability.Info
, 3-SeverityType_info
, 3-ConfidenceType_low
, 625
, 0
, java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase
, Vulnerability.Info
, 3-SeverityType_info
, 3-ConfidenceType_low

	Total Call Sites: 1283
	Total Definitive Security Findings with High Severity: 10
	Total Definitive Security Findings with Medium Severity: 15
	Total Definitive Security Findings with Low Severity: 53
	Total Suspect Security Findings with High Severity: 24
	Total Suspect Security Findings with Medium Severity: 25
	Total Suspect Security Findings with Low Severity: 6
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with High Severity: 123
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with Medium Severity: 69
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with Low Severity: 56
	Total Lines: 17197
	Max V-Density: 929.8482293423273
	Max V/kloc: 22.155027039599933
	V-Density: 929.8482293423273
	V/kloc: 22.155027039599933