Installation Target Specification


  1. In the Installation Target Specification page, specify the installation directory. The default directories, by operating system, are:
    • 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows:
      <SYSTEMDRIVE>:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\appscansource
    • Linux: If you are the root user, the Installation Wizard installs your software in /opt/ibm/appscansource. If you are not the root user, you can install the AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in - which installs to <home_directory>/AppScan_Source by default.
    • The installation directory name can only contain English characters. Folders with names containing non-English characters are not permitted.
    • If you are installing on Windows, you must have Administrator privileges to install AppScan® Source components.
    • If you are installing on Linux, you must have root privileges to install AppScan® Source server components.

    Click Next to advance to the next installation panel.

  2. In the Installation Target Specification page, specify the installation directory.
    • The installation directory name can only contain English characters. Folders with names containing non-English characters are not permitted.

    Click Next to advance to the next installation panel.