Downloading scan file and job logs for troubleshooting

There are four types of job logs that you can download to use or send to HCL® Support for troubleshooting problems: scan log, traffic log, trace (job) log, job properties, and scan results.

Before you begin

  1. To ensure you collect the log files you want, check the configuration of the scan job's Log Settings page. You might need to turn on traffic logging or change the amount of job log information being collected.
  2. The job must have run before you can download the job log.

About this task

: Scan results (*.scan files) are exported in the Support download logs. They can be imported into AppScan Standard for troubleshooting purposes. Original issue triage data from AppScan Enterprise is not included in the scan file. Note that if you perform issue triage on the file in AppScan Standard and then publish the results back to AppScan Enterprise, the original issue results are overwritten. Make sure you only triage the issues in one product.


  1. In the Folder Explorer, select the relevant job in the Name column.
  2. Click Download in the Extended Support Log section of the Statistics list and save the compressed file to your hard disk drive.
  3. Click Download in the Scan file section to download the scan file associated with the job. You can also open the downloaded scan file from AppScan Standard.
    • Depending on how large the compressed file is, this might take a while.
    • These files contain sensitive data, specifically the scan results and details of specific vulnerabilities found during the scan, intended for Administrators or HCL® Support to use during troubleshooting.