SSL with SoapUI

To use SoapUI with SSL you must first install the AppScan SSL certificate in SoapUI.


  1. Close any open instance of SoapUI.
  2. In AppScan, click Options > Recording Proxy > Export, and save the ZIP file to your machine.
    Note: If the Export button is disabled, the certificate is not installed, and you must first install it by clicking the Add button located above it.
  3. Extract the SSL certificate file appScanRootCert.crt and save it to:
    [SoapUI home dir]\jre\lib\security
    Important: Do not change the filename.
  4. Open the command line as administrator, and go to:
    cd [SoapUI home dir]\jre\lib\security
  5. Run command:
    "[SoapUI home dir]\jre\bin\keytool" -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass 
    changeit -noprompt -alias AppScanCertificate -file appScanRootCert.crt
    The certificate has now been added to the SoapUI key store, and will allow you to use SSL in SoapUI.

What to do next


If you are still unable to send requests, try these troubleshooting steps:
  1. Close SoapUI.
  2. Uninstall the AppScan SSL Certificate by clicking Options > Recording Proxy tab > Remove.
  3. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 above.
  4. Delete the AppScan KeyStore entry in SoapUI by running:
    "[SoapUI home dir]\jre\bin\keytool" -delete -alias AppScanCertificate -storetype JKS 
    -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
    Note: Ignore the warning that appears.
  5. Repeat Steps 6 - 7 above.

Related topic:

Traffic recorder troubleshooting