
My Subscriptions shows the status of all your organization's subscriptions, including the number applications or scans remaining, and the start and end dates.

Select Organization > Subscriptions to open Subscriptions view. HCL licenses are managed through the HCL Downloads and License Portal.
Note: Only Administrators can add or edit subscriptions.

Register a new organization

To register a new organization:
  1. Click Get Started on the HCL AppScan on Cloud home page.

    AppScan 360° redirects you to the login page. You must login with an HCL ID. If you don’t have one, create one using the email address you wish to use for your AppScan 360° account.

    When you have signed in or signed up successfully, you are redirected to the AppScan 360° site.

  2. Choose one of the following:
    • If you are a free trial user, type the Organization Name and click Sign Up for Trial.
    • If you are a paid user, click Register, then type the Organization Name and License Key, and click Register Now.

      When the license key is approved, AppScan 360° displays the message Registration Successful.

Note: To purchase a new license key, Contact HCL.

Update or add a license to an existing organization

  1. Obtain a license key.
    The HCL sales team will guide you through the purchase process and provide you with a valid license key.
    Important: The HCL AppScan 360° License End Date is calculated from the date of purchase even if you perform the next steps another day.
  2. Log on to HCL AppScan 360°.
  3. Select Organization > Subscriptions.
  4. Click the Add subscription button at the top of the page.
  5. Paste your license key into the field.
  6. Click Verify.

    When the license is approved, AppScan 360° displays a Verification Success message.

  7. Click Close.

    AppScan 360° adds the new or updated subscription to the Subscriptions page.

Additional information about subscriptions

Automating scans

If you have a Professional (pay per application) subscription, and use a custom script to scan your app automatically, the script should not create a new application in AppScan 360° for each scan, as this will consume your subscription unnecessarily. Instead, after the first scan you should Rescan (recommended) or run a new scan in the same application.

Deleting applications

If you have a Professional (pay per application) subscription, applications you create can be deleted only if you have not yet run a scan in them. Once you have run a scan in an application, the application cannot be deleted, as it counts towards your subscription limit.

Expired subscriptions

When a Professional (pay per application) subscription expires, the application counter is reset, and you have the option to associate its applications with another subscription.

Mixed subscriptions

If your organization has purchased both Professional (pay per application) and Standard (pay per scan) subscriptions, when you create an application you will be asked which subscription you want it assigned to. If none is assigned when the application is created, you will need to assign it when you scan.
Note: An application can be assigned to a subscription only by users with Administrator, Manager or Application Manager permissions.