Managing security roles

About this task

A security role represents a certain level of authorization and includes the set of actions that users or groups can perform on a set of item types.

Create new role

About this task

To create a new security role from the Dynamic Workload Console, complete the following procedure:


  1. From the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
  2. In the Security select Manage Workload Security.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the HCL Universal Orchestrator engine on which you want to manage security settings.
  4. In the Roles section, click Create new role.
  5. Enter the name of the security role that you are creating and, optionally, a role description.
  6. Specify if the role you are creating is a standard role or an administrative role.
  7. For each of the HCL Universal Orchestrator tasks, assign the level of access for performing certain actions on specific item types to the security role. You can assign a predefined or a custom level of access.
  8. Click Show Details to see the permissions associated to a predefined level of access, or to define your custom level of access. Tooltips are available to explain what a certain permission means for a particular item type.
  9. Click View to see the mapping between the set of permissions that you are assigning and the corresponding set of permissions in the classic security model.
  10. Click Save to save the security role definition in the database.
  11. Click Save and Exit to save the security role definition in the database and return to the Manage Workload Security panel.


The security role has now been added to the database.

Manage roles

About this task

From Manage Workload Security, you can also remove, edit, and duplicate existing roles.


  1. In the Roles section of the Manage Workload Security panel, click Manage roles.
    The list of the available security roles is displayed.
  2. Select the security roles that you want to manage.
  3. Select the action that you want to perform on the selected roles.