Configuring properties of the native job launcher [NativeJobLauncher]

About this task

In the JobManager.ini file, the section containing the properties of the native job launcher is named:
You can change the following properties:

Applies to UNIX systems only. Specifies if the root user can run jobs on the agent. It can be true or false. The default is false. This property does not apply to IBM i, use the AllowQSECOFR option instead

Applies to IBM i systems only. Specifies if QSECOFR user can run jobs on the agent. It can be true or false. The default is true. Add a line like AllowQSECOFR = false to the JobManager.ini file to deny job execution to QSECOFR.
If true, before launching the job, the agent checks both the availability and the execution rights of the binary file. The default is true.
Specifies the working directory of native jobs. You can also specify the value for the working directory when creating or editing the job definition in the Workload Designer. When specified in the Workload Designer, this value overrides the value specified for the DefaultWorkingDir property. If you do not specify any working directories, the <TWS_home>\bin directory is used.
Applies to Windows operating systems only. Specifies if native jobs are to be launched in interactive mode. It can be true or false. The default is false.
Set to true to store the traces of the method invocation for actions performed on a job definition, for example, when selecting from a picklist. These files are stored in the path /opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/r3batch_cmd_exec. The default setting is false.
Set to true to store the traces of the method invocation for actions performed on a job instance, for example, viewing a spool list. These files are stored in the .zip file of the job instance. The default setting is true.
Applies to agents on Windows servers only. Specifies if the user profile is to be loaded. It can be true or false. The default is true.
Specifies the name of the queue where the IBM i jobs are monitored. If you do not specify this property, the default queue (QBATCH) is used.
The maximum range of the port numbers used by the task launcher to communicate with the Job Manager. The default is 0, meaning that the operating system assigns the port automatically.
The minimum range of the port numbers used by the task launcher to communicate with the Job Manager. The default is 0, meaning that the operating system assigns the port automatically.
The fully qualified path of the script file that you want to run when the job completes. By default, this property is not present in the JobManager.ini file. If you do not specify any file path or the script file doesn't exist, no action is taken.

This property applies to dynamic agent. For details about running a script when a job completes, see User's Guide and Reference.

Used in workload service assurance. .

For UNIX and Linux operating systems only, assigns the priority value to a critical job that needs to be promoted so that the operating system processes it before others. Applies to critical jobs or predecessors that need to be promoted so that they can start at their critical start time.

Boundary values vary depending upon each specific platform, but generally lower values correspond to higher priority levels and vice versa. The default is -1.

Be aware that:
  • The promotion process is effective with negative values only. If you set a positive value, the system runs it with the -1 default value.
  • An out of range value (for example -200), prompts the operating system to automatically promote the jobs with the lowest allowed nice value.
  • Overusing the promotion mechanism (that is, defining an exceedingly high number of jobs as mission critical and setting the highest priority value here) might overload the operating system, negatively impacting the overall performance of the workstation.
Used in workload service assurance. .

For Windows operating systems only, sets to this value the priority by which the operating system processes a critical job when it is promoted. Applies to critical jobs or predecessors that need to be promoted so that they can start at their critical start time. Valid values are:

  • High
  • AboveNormal (the default)
  • Normal
  • BelowNormal
  • Low or Idle

Note that if you a set a lower priority value than the one non-critical jobs might be assigned, no warning is given.


When true, requires that you add the user name in the JSDL job definition.

When false, runs with the user name used by job manager, that is:
  • TWS_user on UNIX and Linux systems
  • The local system account on Windows systems

The default is false.

If you set this property to true, you can define IBM i jobs as generic jobs without using the XML definition. Generic jobs are automatically converted to IBM i jobs. As a side effect, generic jobs cannot be run when this parameter is enabled (RunExecutablesAsIBMiJobs=true). There is no default value because this property is not listed in the JobManager.ini file after the agent installation.

If you set this property to true, ensure that the user you used to install the agent has been granted the *ALLOBJ special authority.

The suffix to be used when creating the script files. It is:
For Windows
Enables verbose tracing. It is set to true by default.